Staff Writer

To cover different events and add a variety of expertise to the news and stories we report, we have several staff writers who contribute to our publication.

A Gift for Yourself: Embracing the Beauty of Living in the Present Moment

A question on many minds and lips lately is, are you ready for the holidays? Whatever that means to you, it’s a busy time of year and can be extremely stressful. We live in a world filled with constant distractions and ever-growing to-do lists – especially right now. Amidst the chaos of modern life, the […]

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Get Along Better with Anyone, Anytime (Yes, It’s Possible!)

Why can’t we all just get along? This is a question that echoes through countless types of relationships. As humans, we get triggered, and we sometimes trigger others. Maybe you’re thinking about the last time you got extremely upset about someone’s viewpoint that is different than yours. Today, people are often feeling more divided than

Get Along Better with Anyone, Anytime (Yes, It’s Possible!) Read More »

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