It’s that time of year when we take a moment to self-reflect and promise ourselves that we’ll do better. After all, we live in the city of dreams and stars. It would be very anti-LA not to have lofty new year goals to propel us into success. Not unlike when many of us adopted the mindset that we would have 20/20 vision two years ago, and then the unimaginable happened.
If you’re reading this article, congratulations, you made it through the worst pandemic that the world has experienced since the 1918 Spanish Flu. But just like my 92-year-old grandma barely remembers the Spanish Flu, this too shall pass. So, the question remains, what’s next for us and our lofty LA goals? What primary resolution should we be setting as we walk into the angel number year of 2022 while living in the city of angels?
There was a common theme I noticed on social media and in conversations around the city leading into 2020. This was the narrative that if something doesn’t serve you or ceases to bring you happiness, let it go. This statement for the most part had a strong focus on the extrinsic. The removal of toxic partners, opportunist friendships, dead-end jobs, negative critics, opinionated family members, conservative acquaintances, and the list goes on. It’s safe to say that 2020 managed to remove a lot of these with or without our approval.
We cannot deny that 2020 forced most of us into solitude. For those who took advantage of it, there was a lot of room for reflection, self-realizations and the removal of many exterior distractions that pulled us away from our purpose and happiness. Personally, I experienced a complete overhaul within my social network, my career, my living conditions, my expectations from life, and more. In short, what I am trying to say is that between 2020 and 2021 our exterior has been purged to a new level.
Let’s not lose perspective of the new year resolution that really matters as we walk into 2022. As citizens of Los Angeles we have a tendency to get caught up in the hype of what things look like on the outside, and the opinions that surround how we project ourselves to those around us. I get it, this ideology naturally plays an important role in our local ecosystem. Now that our landscape has been dynamically altered over the last two years, this year is about digging deeper within.
So, what is the only 2022 resolution that matters? I’m glad you asked. The biggest change that needs to happen this year is inside of you. Focusing on removing toxic people and those things that do not serve you will not necessarily shape your destiny this year. Instead address the toxic habits and mindsets you’ve adopted that don’t serve you on the inside, then watch your surroundings correct itself.
2022 is a good year to take ownership of the change. The world around us has already been changed drastically without our permission or control. The only thing we have full accountability of is what’s inside. Design an inner reality that projects peace, joy and excellence all around you.
Where do we go from here? What are practical steps that will lead us into diving deeper to elevate ourselves from the inside out? I’d like to share with you a 28-day challenge I created that transformed my life, and the lives of many others.
Who we are is fueled by the repeated activities in which we participate. These activities define the culture of our thoughts, behaviors, feelings, intellect, community and goals. In short, we are the product of our daily habits.
The purpose of this 28-day challenge is to be intentional about our daily habits by taking control of our intrinsic development. Below you will see the layout of the challenge and the steps to accomplishing it. I encourage you to do this with a partner, or a group of friends to keep you accountable.
28 Day Challenge To Starting New Habits
It is day: _____
- Today I will meditate and elevate my spirit (Meditate 5-10 minutes)
- Today I will enhance my mindset for success (Read for 15-30 minutes)
- Today I will fuel my diet with life (Eat/drink something healthy)
- Today I will strengthen and enhance my body (Workout for 30 minutes)
- Today I will invest in my business/career (Develop professional skills/Business research)
- Today I will approach the world around me with love (Be kind to someone)
Mantra: I am grateful for yesterday, thankful & motivated for today, and I embrace the mysteries of tomorrow. My name is __________ and this is my mantra.
#28DaysOfNewHabits with @GianlucaGibbons
STEP 1: Have the challenge written on a piece of paper or digital device.
STEP 2: Say the challenge out loud every morning at the start of your day.
STEP 3: On your hard or digital copy write the day and check off each bullet as you achieve it. All six bullets are naturally attached to six different habits you will build over the 28-day period.
STEP 4: Take one rest day every six days to reflect on the past six days and prepare for the next six to come.
STEP 5: Feel free to share your journey on social media.
Your life has gradually been guided back on its natural course leading into this year. Dive deep within to make the needed adjustments to adopt habits that promote harmony and balance that allows you to focus on accomplishing your purpose. You came to LA for a reason, but the real treasure you’re looking for this year is already inside of you. Happy new year!
Gianluca Gibbons is a licensed agent for a Life Insurance Company, Musical Entertainer and International Speaker.
Gianluca Gibbons is a licensed agent for a Life Insurance Company, Musical Entertainer and International Speaker.