Are you maximizing your full potential and living your best life? Once you rediscover you have an infinite intelligence guiding you and learn to tap into and trust your intuitive genius, you are on the path to living your most fulfilling life. In fact, it’s a place that resides within you and is just waiting to be activated. This state of being is a beautiful, loving, and joyous space that is only a shift away. You just need to allow yourself to let go to the flow and learn to listen and depend on this incredible gift you were born with. That’s right, I said the flow as it’s the place you want to be.
Living Your Dream Life
Living from your intuitive genius is just a small shift away, and you can choose to open to your own brilliance and allow your infinite intelligence to take over. This choice frees you from the constraints that have held you back and lets you live your life in flow, the way you were always intended to live.
When you tap into your intuitive genius, your world opens, and your heart expands with joy and love for absolutely everything and everyone. Each moment is like a precious gift, wrapped in the promise of what you can create in your life. You know you are doing exactly what it is you are meant to do, and you are unstoppable and capable of overcoming any obstacle and illuminating even the darkest of times.
We all have the innate gift of intuition from birth, an instinctive understanding of what it is we need to say or do at every turn, without the need for conscious reasoning or evidence. This knowledge can manifest as a knowing, hearing, or seeing, about what actions we need to take or how to handle situations, with a sense of certainty about decisions or events. Intuitive genius is where we take that intuition to the next step and learn to let go to flow and trust the subtle cues our infinite intelligence is sending us, so we can achieve our purpose.
This is where we reside in the moment, and our lives become an effortless dance, where we are gliding and flowing along the way we were meant to live. Many people are unaware that they are instinctively relying on their intuition in their daily existence or jobs, particularly in instances where quick decisions are vital, or information is incomplete.
Connecting With Your Intuitive Genius
As you look at your own life you will find those moments when you have unexpectedly and effortlessly tapped into your own intuitive genius. You were doing something you were passionate about, and accidentally yet unmistakably, you found yourself in a joyous space. Perhaps you were engrossed in an art project, playing a musical instrument, or doing something that you were truly passionate about, and you were amazed to find you had slipped into the moment and lost track of time. All your worries effortlessly and joyously replaced with the knowledge, that you were in the exact place at the right time, doing just what you were meant to do. This is a taste of you being in flow and opening to your intuitive genius.
Ways Of Tapping In
After decades of using entheogens to tap into my intuitive genius, I discovered, I don’t need to be so brutally forced into opening to my infinite intelligence. Instead, I have learned how to go into flow through other means such as writing, movement, and in-depth conversations, to name a few ways of accessing my own intuitive genius.
How Did We Get Here?
Our minds have been programmed from birth, to think and act or react to the world around us. In our society, we are taught to allow our egos and emotions to run our lives. As children we are born with limitless creativity, but we are forced to conform to societal norms. That boundless imagination and innovative creativity drops drastically when children are indoctrinated into our educational system.
In traditional education, children are compelled to learn by the rote method, which requires us to repeat, emulate, and follow directions without question. Children are rewarded for complying; thus, we are encouraged to repeat patterns to accomplish most tasks. This environment fosters the habit of relying on such methods as language and logic instead of trusting our innate intuition and the connection we had with our mothers at birth. We are taught to primarily function from those left hemisphere tasks, disregarding right hemisphere processes such as creativity and intuition.
An Invitation
I invite you to learn processes that will allow you to synchronize the hemispheres of your brain and stop letting your ego and emotions rule your choices and learn to listen and follow the wisdom of your intuitive genius. You can choose to hear when your infinite intelligence speaks, rather than listening to your egos and emotions that you in the past have allowed to rule your life. When you select to listen, you will live your life in flow trusting the messages your intuitive genius gives you, which is where you were always meant to reside.
How To Get Started
Your first step is to realize you have been programmed and have a desire to change and grow. Then it is time for you to become aware of what you and others are doing, so you can effect change in your life. Observe everything from your language patterns to gestures and attitudes and beliefs, because only through observation and honest evaluation, can you effect change. As you discover and tap into your intuitive genius, you need to turn off your old programming, so you can tune in to exactly what it is you need to do to listen to your infinite intelligence. Only in this awareness can you make profound changes that will have impacts that will reverberate throughout every aspect of your life.
The Ego’s Goal
This way you can see exactly what it is you are creating. It is difficult to assess your own behaviors, as your ego has been programmed to tell you fallacies or whatever it deems you need to do to keep yourself safe, for that has been its job at all costs. It is imperative to have people in your life that will give you honest feedback and support on a regular basis, so you can continue to grow your mind in the direction you desire. Your mind is elastic, and it is ever expanding or contracting; it is up to us individually in which direction we choose it to expand or contract.
Our brains are the controllers of our entire world. Your mind must expand before you can even begin to put your ego and emotional reactions in their place. Once you have figured out where the flow state is, you must continue to open yourself, ever growing and expanding.
Your soul communicates with subtle messages that you need to be able to perceive and hear before you can act on them. When you decide you want to live from your intuitive genius and take conscious steps towards listening to your infinite intelligence as your guide, it is time to put down your electronic devices and other distractions and sit with yourself in stillness and silence and listen. These subtle messages come like small nudges or clues, so if you’re not paying attention, you may miss the communication or subtle signs your higher self has for you.
Ever Growing and Expanding
Tuning into intuition is the first step towards living from your intuitive genius. Keeping a journal is paramount to your ability to master your moment. Keeping a record of all that you are aware of is an extremely effective way of seeing your own brilliance, as it is nearly impossible to see things objectively, with your ego trying to keep you safe, and your emotions, right there to judge every step you take. Writing in your journal daily, allows you the prospective and record you need to assist you to see exactly what you are doing and helps you implement permanent change, and assess your progress as well. Once you have developed the habit of writing, you will find it is something you look forward to each day, because it is a form of creativity and expression.
Retrain Your Brain
As you sit with yourself in complete stillness and silence for at least ten minutes daily, you can start slow, as it can prove challenging to sit still for that long at first. Seek out some meditations that you find beneficial, and palatable to you, so you will continue this practice on a regular and frequent basis. This is how you have been programmed throughout your life, and retraining your brain to act in a new way requires constant vigilance.
Honing Your Infinite Intelligence
We know our world is ever changing and we can’t have pleasure all the time; so, we need to find balance. Finding a way to live in flow, where every moment is just another moment, without judgment, effortlessly and unattached taking things as they come, is trusting your intuitive genius.
To permanently live in this balanced state, you need to recognize and accept that life is an ever-changing journey. Once you achieve an understanding and overcome a challenge, you will be presented with a new set of circumstances. When you truly embrace this concept, you can see that there is hope for a brighter future, and the opportunity for you to spend more time living in the moment.
Becoming Conscious
As you become conscious and choose to listen to your infinite intelligence, you take your power back. You must recognize that your behavior is what is controlling your world. Your ego has been so used to running the show, and your emotions ruling your decisions. It takes time after time, of the unpeeling of the layers of the onion, for you to learn to live from your intuitive genius. This journey is a solo one, where you are required to walk individually in your own unique way. Once you get your ego in the backseat where it belongs, and your emotions in check to stop ruling your decisions and life, you can live your life in flow functioning from your intuitive genius. It is possible to live in this state. It takes time, consistency, and practice to train your mind.
Let Go to Flow
In flow, we allow the trajectory of your life to take over. Think of how much joy you will have when you are doing something daily that you are passionate about. This is how you are intended to live.
Becoming conscious is a path, so you can travel as quickly or slowly as you choose; you set the pace. It is so fun to live life in flow, you never know what is going to come next and that is truly the beauty of existence. Everything is ever shifting and changing, so learn to love going with the flow, because by now, your ego and emotions aren’t running your life anymore.
Your mind, body and soul are functioning harmoniously; with your intuitive genius fully intact, your life is a blast! You will want to continue becoming aware, silent stillness, journal writing, and other practices you do to help you gain clarity on how to communicate with and follow your intuitive genius.
People often talk about acting from your gut or heart, and that is what you are doing, you are learning to trust your infinite intelligence. You can follow the messages that your higher self is sending you. We all have infinite intelligence, we just need to learn to listen and let go, and then assist others in fully enjoying this incredible journey we call life.
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Libbi Lovejoy is a writer and international motivational speaker. She trains and coaches in such innovative techniques as mind acceleration and intuitive genius.